Ok, when I first saw this preview while I was eagerly awaiting "The Watchmen" to start, I wasn't able to give it my full attention.
This lady was beating the sh*t out of her kid in the row in front of us and it was making me a little uncomfortable.
But even then, I knew this movie looked like it was going to be the bomb.com
"Public Enemies" -bad title, great-looking movie - is the new period-piece gangster flick from director Michael Mann opening July 1. The trailer (seen here) follows Johnny Depp as John Dillinger, a depression era bank robber seen then as a Robin Hood type, who achieved celebrity status in newspapers.
Christian Bale steps in - midwestern accent in tow - as the cop who's going to try and bring the flashy criminal in.
The whole film is shot with the same grainy-digital look that Mann has perfected over the years with movies like "Miami Vice" and "Collateral."
Seriously, when I first saw Brad Pitt sporting the 1930s mustache and short hair after Benjamin Button wrapped, I thought it was a little weird.
But when Depp does it as Dillinger, it makes this quasi-depression we are facing nowadays, look almost glamorous.
*Our Hollywood correspondent, EG23, just let us know Brad Pitt is sporting the debonaire mustache for his new movie "Inglorious Bastards," directed by Quentin Tarantino.